Brand vs Logo: Their Differences and How They Work Together

Poulomi Basu
10 min readMay 23, 2024


To many, once you mention ‘brand’ or ‘branding,’ the logo comes to mind. Some even use the words interchangeably.

While they’re not wrong, it’s important to know that a logo differs from a brand. Interestingly, both work together to give your brand a powerful identity that resonates with your target audience.

What is the difference between a logo and a brand?

A logo is a visual symbol or design that represents a company or brand. A brand is much broader; it includes attributes like the brand story, values, personality, and customer experiences.

A logo is physical and tangible; a brand is sensory.

The logo is the image, symbol, or emblem you see that instantly makes you think of the brand. A brand is the perception of the company in the minds of the consumers — it’s WHAT people think and feel when they hear the company’s name or see the logo.

What is a brand?

A brand is the overall image and reputation of a company. It includes the company’s logo, design, and colors and how it communicates with the world. It includes everything else that makes it stand out from its competitors in the minds of consumers.

This could include the logo, design, colors, messaging, products, and services, but it’s much more than that.

This means a brand is made of many attributes, including visual, verbal, and emotional; it’s people’s feelings and thoughts about the company based on their experiences and marketing efforts. Essentially, a brand is what people think of when they hear a company’s name.

Every branding effort aims to differentiate a company from its competition. This is why many companies have a logo that identifies them, a tone of voice that distinguishes them, and a particular feeling or experience they give their audience.

Your brand is present in everything you do and everywhere you are.

What is a logo?

A logo is an easily recognizable, memorable, and distinct graphical symbol or mark that represents a brand. It serves as the visual identifier, helping differentiate your brand from competitors and creating a strong impression on your audience.

A typical logo combines typography, graphics or symbols, and colors. For example, below is my company’s logo, a visual representation of our mission to ignite your success in the digital space.

How a logo represents a brand

A logo is often the most recognizable aspect of a company’s brand but not the entire brand.

It is just one part of a much larger picture.

Think of your logo as the tip of the iceberg. It’s visible and immediately recognizable, but beneath the surface, much more defines your brand.

Your brand story includes your mission, brand purpose, and a set of values.

The logo is a small graphic design that captures all of the above. The symbol connects your audience to everything your brand stands for.

For example, consider Nike.

The iconic Swoosh logo is instantly recognizable, but Nike’s brand identity extends far beyond this simple design. Nike’s brand encompasses their commitment to innovation, performance, and inspiration.

Their “Just Do It” slogan, the high-quality design of their products, the powerful and motivational marketing campaigns, and the endorsement by top athletes all contribute to the brand’s identity. The Swoosh logo represents these values and associations but is only part of the overall brand.

Here are some examples to explain this further.


  • Logo: Uniqlo’s logo is the brand name in a simple, bold, sans-serif typeface, often shown in red or white.
  • Brand identity: Uniqlo is known for its straightforward, versatile, and affordable clothes that many people like. They focus on making functional, quality clothing.
  • Interconnection: The clear and plain design of the Uniqlo logo shows the brand’s focus on simple, high-quality clothes. The bold typeface makes it easy for everyone to recognize and shows that their clothes are for everyday life.


  • Logo: Tesla’s logo is a stylish “T” that looks like the part of an electric motor.
  • Brand Identity: Tesla is famous for its innovative electric cars and renewable energy solutions. It stands for the newest technology, being environmentally friendly, and luxury.
  • Interconnection: The sleek and modern design of the Tesla logo shows the brand’s focus on advanced technology and upscale electric vehicles. It looks sophisticated and modern, which fits Tesla’s image as a leader in the electric car industry.

The North Face:

  • Logo: The North Face logo is a simple design that looks like the Half Dome rock in Yosemite National Park.
  • Brand identity: The North Face makes high-performance outdoor gear, especially for extreme conditions and adventurous people.
  • Interconnection: The logo’s mountain design directly appeals to the brand’s audience: people who love adventure and possibly know about Yosemite Mountain. It stands for toughness and exploring, which are big parts of what The North Face offers with its durable and comfortable outdoor gear.

Toys ‘R’ Us:

  • Logo: Toys ‘R’ Us used a logo with colorful letters and a backward “R,” resembling a child’s writing.
  • Brand Identity: Toys ‘R’ Us was a toy and products retailer known for its wide range of toys and games for children.
  • Interconnection: The playful, child-like script of the logo directly appeals to its main audience — children — and signifies the fun and joy of playing with toys. The backward “R” suggests a childlike essence, perfectly capturing the brand’s focus on kids and play.


  • Logo: Hermès’ logo features a Duc carriage with a horse, usually shown in dark brown or black.
  • Brand identity: Hermès is a French luxury brand known for its high-quality leather goods and other luxury items. The brand stands for elegance and timeless quality.
  • Interconnection: The carriage and horse in the logo remind us of Hermès’ origins as a harness workshop, which served European nobility. This symbol reflects the brand’s history and ongoing commitment to fine craftsmanship. The simple yet elegant design of the logo emphasizes Hermès’ reputation for luxury and excellence, connecting its rich past with its sophisticated present.

Here are some examples from even more well-known brands.


  • Logo: The Apple logo is a simple, iconic image of an apple with a bite taken out of it.
  • Brand identity: Apple is popular for its sleek, cutting-edge, and innovative designs in the technology industry. They focus on delivering high-quality iPhones, MacBooks and other innovative products.
  • Interconnection: The apple represents knowledge, as in the biblical story of Adam and Eve, which aligns with Apple’s focus on technology and learning. The bite taken out of the apple means anyone who purchases an Apple product is investing in knowledge, discovery, and the pursuit of enlightenment. You can see how Apple’s focus on innovation, creativity, and simplicity influenced the design of a logo that accurately captures its defined identity.


  • Logo: The Amazon logo features the brand name “Amazon” with a curved arrow underneath, connecting the “A” to the “Z.”
  • Brand identity: Amazon delivers customer-centric, convenient, and innovative services in the e-commerce and technology industries.
  • Interconnection: The logo accurately depicts everything Amazon stands for, emphasizing its commitment to customer satisfaction. The arrow symbol on the logo pointing from “A” to the “Z” letters shows that Amazon offers its customers a vast selection of products and services. Also, the arrow on the Amazon logo forms a smile, conveying the idea of a happy and satisfied customer. This emphasizes Amazon’s focus on its customers, which you can also see in its mission to be the Earth’s most customer-centric company.


  • Logo: Starbucks’ logo features a twin-tailed mermaid, or siren, in green and white.
  • Brand identity: Starbucks is a premier coffee company and coffeehouse chain known for its specialty coffee and the unique customer experience it offers, often described as the third place between home and work.
  • Interconnection: The green color used in the logo suggests freshness, growth, and prosperity, aligning with Starbucks’ commitment to sustainability and quality. The siren symbol connects to the maritime history of coffee and Seattle’s seaport roots, where Starbucks was founded.

So, what do we learn from this?

A logo may be small and simple, but it carries a lot on its tiny shoulders. You should design your logo to represent the broad identity of your brand.

Whether dynamic or static, simple or elaborate, colorful or monochromatic, all stem from what you want your brand to stand for.

Which comes first, the logo or the brand?

Given that your logo needs to represent your brand, it follows that your brand should be developed first.

If you don’t know what you want your brand to stand for, how will you design a graphic that tells that story?

So, decide what your business stands for, who you want to reach, and what you want to be known for. Then design a logo to capture all of that in a powerful design.

Importance of a well-designed logo to a brand

A well-designed logo is crucial to a brand’s success, as it helps shape its identity and customer perception.

Here are the key reasons a well-design logo is essential:

1. Establishes brand identity

A logo is the core of every brand’s visual identity system. It helps communicate your brand’s personality, values, and positioning.

With logo design elements like typography, colors, and symbols, you can create a logo that depicts exactly what your brand does and stands for.

Related: How to create your brand imagery

2. Enhances instant recognition

The core purpose of brand logos is an effective visual representation. A properly designed logo is instantly recognizable and serves as a visual symbol of your brand.

It helps your audience to recognize your brand across all touchpoints, including print media, social media, and product packages.

It also helps them remember your brand.

3. Builds trust and credibility

A professional and carefully designed logo instills confidence in your audience and communicates your professionalism and credibility. It shows your audience that your brand is reputable, detail-oriented, trustworthy, and committed to quality service or product delivery.

When your audience becomes confident in your brand and you match it with excellent delivery, it influences their loyalty.

4. Creates emotional connection

There’s a feeling that comes with wearing Gucci, driving Tesla, or being associated with other renowned brands.

A well-designed logo can create strong emotional connections between your brand and customers. It resonates with their preferences, aspirations, and values, making them loyal to your brand.

5. Supports brand consistency

Consistency in logo usage enables you to build a cohesive brand identity and maintain brand integrity. Logos have clear application guidelines for different channels and media platforms.

6. Enhances brand differentiation

With a well-designed logo, you can effectively stand your brand out from competitors. It communicates your unique value proposition, making your brand more memorable to your customers.

How to create a logo that reflects your brand

Here are vital steps you can take to create a logo that reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience:

1. Define your brand

It’s almost impossible to capture your brand’s essence visually if you don’t know what it stands for.

Start by defining your brand identity, values, and personality. Consider your brand pillars and the core message you want to convey to your audience through your logo.

Knowing your audience and what appeals to them is crucial. Research the preferences, interests, and demographics of your target market. Also, look at your competitors’ logos to ensure your design stands out and avoids industry clichés.

Read my full post on how to define your brand and create your brand story.

2. Identify key elements your logo needs

With a good knowledge of your brand identity and the common design approaches in your industry, identify the key elements you want in your logo.

Nike wanted to be identified as a brand encouraging its audience to push their limits and break boundaries, so they chose a brand element that embodies that-the swoosh.

Determine elements such as typography, colors, shapes, and imagery. These elements should align with your brand identity and help convey your brand’s unique personality and values.

Also think of non-physical attributes, like the feeling your audience wants to get when they think about you. For example, do you want to inspire a feeling of solidity and stability or a sense of fun?

3. Create your brand logo

Brief your designer to create a logo that captures the brand’s identity you defined above. Ask them to make several sketches according to how the inspiration comes.

Refine these sketches and create a unique, simple, and recognizable logo that can evoke the desired emotions in your audience. Test it across different platforms to ensure it works well in different contexts.

Pro tip:

Give your graphic designer clear, detailed, and specific instructions about your brand and what it stands for so they can bring it to life through design. The clearer these details are, the more lielu it is that you will get a logo that reflects your brand. Also, add your brand guidelines.

One way to do that is to create a brand platform where you capture your brand essence and DNA.

4. Gather feedback

Share your logo with your stakeholders, friends, and maybe a few of your target audience.

Learn from their feedback and reactions to the logo and make the necessary adjustments.

5. Implement your brand logo

Once you’re satisfied with your logo design, it’s time to implement it.

Create different versions of your logo for different use cases.

Make a simplified version for small size or tiny applications, such as business cards. You can also make monochrome versions for black-and-white applications.

Pro tip:

Once you have the different versions of the logos and your brand colors, add them to your brand kit for everyone to easily access and understand your brand imagery.

Related: Brand kit examples

Now that you know how to create a logo that reflects your brand identity, let’s examine some powerful logos for inspiration.

Conclusion: Create a logo that reflects your brand

Logos and brands are essential elements of your brand-building process. While they’re not the same, they work together to ensure you have a cohesive brand identity.

You must ensure your brand is properly defined before creating a logo. This allows you to create a logo that visually draws people to your brand and conveys the right message and emotions, drawing them closer to becoming loyal customers.

Originally published at on May 23, 2024.



Poulomi Basu

Vibrant brand & marketing strategist, helping people turn their idea or passion into a business. I help you to be #PowerfullyYOU.