7 Best WordPress Hosting For Small Business Websites Compared

Poulomi Basu
11 min readMay 17, 2024

Your WordPress hosting choice is crucial to your site’s overall performance, both on search engines and sales conversion.

The right WordPress hosting ensures your website is up and running 24/7 and your site visitors aren’t frustrated due to slow page load time.

While many web hosting platforms offer WordPress hosting services, only a few have the best solutions for your business website.

In this article, I’ll discuss the best WordPress hosting for small business websites and how you can find the ideal host for your site.

What to look for in a WordPress hosting provider

As already established, the WordPress hosting provider you choose determines, to a great extent, the success and performance of your business website.

These are the factors you should consider when choosing a provider:

1. Performance and speed

The success of your website depends largely on its overall performance and speed. A slow website can frustrate visitors and negatively impact your search engine rankings.

The impact of page loading speed and website uptime on business results is why this should be the first and most crucial factor you must consider in a WordPress hosting provider.

I always advise you to look for a hosting provider that offers fast loading times and high uptime guarantees.

Some providers guarantee server response times in milliseconds and 99.9% minimal uptime, meaning your website can only experience a downtime of about 9 hours a year.

2. Scalability

Your WordPress hosting provider should be able to accommodate your website’s growth. Some hosting providers offer tiered or scalable hosting plans, which allow you to upgrade as your website’s traffic increases.

The best ones offer automatic upgrades to ensure your website doesn’t go down, even during a sudden traffic surge.

3. Security features

Security is essential for every website. It’s needed to ensure you don’t lose access to your website and to protect your and your customer’s data.

When you’re choosing a WordPress hosting provider, select one with robust security measures such as SSL certificates, malware scanning, firewalls, and regular backups. The best web hosting platforms offer these services in most of their plans, including the basic shared hosting plans.

4. Price and value

Another essential factor you must consider when choosing WordPress hosting for your small business is price and the attached value.

Most small businesses are on a budget and would opt for a more affordable tool at any time. But, while affordability is essential, I advise you not to base your decision solely on price.

Compare hosting plans based on features, performance, and support to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

5. Customer support

Reliable customer support is essential and will come in handy when you encounter technical issues or need assistance with your website. Look for hosting providers that offer 24/7 customer support through various channels like live chat, email, and phone.

Now that you know what to look for in a potential WordPress hosting provider for your small business website, here is a comparison of the best available options, based on my experience.

Top 7 WordPress hosting for small businesses

Here are the best 7 WordPress hosting for small businesses:

1. Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the top web hosting providers recommended by WordPress. Their beginner-friendly interface and affordable hosting plans make them one of the top choices for WordPress hosting.

Along with managed WordPress hosting, Bluehost offers shared hosting, virtual private server (VPS), dedicated hosting, and, most recently, cloud hosting. They also offer WooCommerce hosting for businesses looking to extend their website’s functionality to include an online store.

I recommend Bluehost for WordPress hosting because their plans are mostly tailored to suit WordPress sites.

Bluehost is also a favorite for many because of its affordable hosting prices. Its WordPress hosting plans start at $3.95 per month, with the most expensive being the newly added WordPress Cloud plan at $29.99 per month.

Pros of Bluehost:

  • Recommended by WordPress since 2005
  • Free domain name for 1 year
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Beginner-friendly dashboard and interface
  • One-click WordPress installation
  • Automatic WordPress updates
  • 24/7 customer support via phone, chat, and email.

Cons of Bluehost:

  • Inconsistent customer support quality
  • Servers only in the US
  • Speed and performance limitations
  • No official uptime guarantee

2. SiteGround

SiteGround is another WordPress-recommended web host for individuals and businesses looking to establish a strong online presence. Their exceptional customer support and reliability are what make them stand out among many WordPress hosting providers.

The platform offers various hosting plans, including shared, cloud, reseller, WooCommerce, and WordPress hosting. With one of the best feature-rich WordPress plans available, you’re sure to get exceptional services from SiteGround.

Related: Difference between WooCommerce and WordPress

Your SiteGround hosting comes pre-loaded with WordPress plus a couple of popular plugins you need to run your website successfully.

I love that SiteGround takes website performance seriously. They have static and dynamic caching enabled on all the sites hosted with them. Even more, their plans come with pre-installed Speed Optimizer, which improves your website’s performance across all devices.

SiteGround WordPress hosting plans start from $3.99 per month, with the most expensive being $10.69 per month.

SiteGround Pros

  • Recommended by WordPress
  • Free CDN for ultrafast loading times
  • Free auto-updates, staging, and backups
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Automated setup and migration
  • Built-in caching for improved performance
  • 24/7 customer support is available via live chat, phone, and ticketing system.

SiteGround Cons

  • Higher renewal prices
  • No free domain

3. Kinsta

Kinsta is up there as one of my favorite WordPress hosting services, especially when speed is the ultimate ranking factor.

Powered by the Google Cloud Platform, coupled with its edge-caching technology and HTTP/3-enabled CDN, Kinsta provides one of the fastest web hosting infrastructures in the market.

Kinsta allows you to choose where your website will be hosted, thanks to its 37 data centres and over 260 CDN locations.

The automatic updates, staging environments, and expert support services that come with Kinsta hosting make it one of the favorites for businesses looking for top-notch performance and reliability.

Kinsta WordPress hosting pricing plans start from $30 per month, with the most expensive being $563 per month on its enterprise suite.

Kinsta Pros

  • One-click WordPress installation
  • Fully managed WordPress hosting on the Google Cloud platform
  • Daily backups and automatic updates
  • Free SSL certificate and staging environment
  • Powerful edge-caching system
  • Free migration.
  • Expert WordPress support is available 24/7

Kinsta Cons

  • More expensive than other WordPress hosting options
  • Only offer managed WordPress hosting
  • Does not offer shared hosting services

4. Hostinger

With over 2 million users worldwide, Hostinger is fast becoming a favorite WordPress hosting for many small businesses. They offer affordable hosting plans tailored for WordPress websites without compromising on performance.

Hostinger has data centers scattered across 8 countries worldwide, including the USA, United Kingdom, India, France, Singapore, Brazil, Lithuania and the Netherlands. This enables you to choose a data center close to where your audience is located for easy access to information on the site.

Hostinger’s WordPress hosting plans start from $2.99 per month, with the most expensive being the Cloud Startup plan at $9.99 per month.

Hostinger Pros

  • Free domain.
  • Affordable hosting plans
  • Comes with WordPress AI tools
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free website migration
  • One-click WordPress installation
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 customer support

Hostinger Cons

  • More expensive at renewal

5. HostGator

If you’re looking for a web host that’s as popular as Bluehost and SiteGround and offers similar robust hosting options, HostGator might be a good fit.

Using HostGator, you’ll have the option to choose from their shared, managed WordPress, VPS, and dedicated hosting plans. The diverse hosting options have made HostGator a favorite to many small and large businesses, as over 2 million websites are hosted on its platform.

The managed WordPress hosting plans on HostGator are similar to those on Bluehost and SiteGround. However, there are a few notable differences. For example, the most basic WordPress hosting plan on HostGator allows you to host and manage two websites, unlike in Bluehost and SiteGround, where you can only host one.

I love that HostGator backs up its uptime and performance claims with a strong 30-day money-back guarantee. Pricing for the HostGator WordPress hosting plans starts from $4.50 per month, with the most expensive plan being the Pro plan at $13.95 per month.

HostGator Pros

  • One-click WordPress installation
  • Free website migration
  • Free domain for the 1st year
  • Free SSL certificate
  • 24/7 customer support

HostGator Cons

  • More expensive plans than industry competitors

6. DreamHost

DreamHost is another web hosting provider officially recommended by WordPress. They offer reliable, lightning-fast hosting solutions specifically tailored for WordPress sites.

If you’re just starting, you might find DreamHost’s shared WordPress hosting plans suitable for your needs. However, if you want more, you can opt for the managed WordPress or VPS WordPress hosting plans at slightly higher costs.

With optimized WordPress servers and in-house WordPress experts, there’s no doubt as to why DreamHost has over 1.5 million websites hosted on its platform.

I love the custom control panel that comes with their WordPress hosting plans. This enables you to install WordPress with just one click and do lots more.

DreamHost WordPress hosting plans start at $2.95 per month, with the most expensive being the VPS Enterprise hosting at $110 per month for their yearly plans.

DreamHost Pros

  • Free domain in the 1st year
  • One-click WordPress installation
  • WordPress site builder
  • Unlimited bandwidth and storage
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Advanced, easy-to-use custom control panel
  • 100% uptime guarantee
  • Industry-leading 97-day money-back guarantee

DreamHost Cons

  • More expensive than most industry competitors.
  • Too many WordPress hosting options can be overwhelming for a beginner.

7. WP Engine

If you’re looking for a dedicated WordPress hosting platform, then WordPress Engine (WP Engine) should be an easy pick. They specialize in managed WordPress hosting, offering optimized hosting environments for WordPress sites.

WP Engine is home to over 1.5 million WordPress sites, establishing itself as the most trusted WordPress platform. There’s no wonder why top brands like Yelp, Pandora, Tiffany & Co., and Stanford University have their websites hosted on the WP Engine platform.

One of my favorite features of WP Engine is the global CDN, with over 200 data centers. This allows for peak performance regardless of where your traffic is abundant.

With a 96% customer support score, you can rest assured of optimal support from WordPress experts on WP Engine.

WP Engine WordPress hosting plans start at £16 per month, with the most expensive being £1,560 per month. While their prices are way higher than the others, they’re fixed and don’t increase on renewal.

WP Engine Pros

  • Free website migration
  • Fully managed WordPress hosting plans
  • Daily backups and auto-updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes
  • Free SSL certificates and staging environments
  • Top-notch caching technology
  • Expert support is available 24/7 via live chat and the ticketing system.

WP Engine Cons

  • Expensive hosting plans

How to choose the best WordPress hosting for your small business

Choosing the right WordPress hosting provider is essential for the success of your small business website. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make the right choice:

1. Evaluate WordPress hosting types

There are various types of hosting, including shared, VPS (Virtual Private Server), dedicated, and managed WordPress hosting.

Shared hosting is typically the most budget-friendly but may lack performance and customization options.

VPS and dedicated hosting offer more resources and control but are generally more expensive. Managed WordPress hosting is specifically optimized for WordPress websites and often includes features like automatic updates, security monitoring, and expert support.

Check out the differences between a custom-coded website and WordPress site, and also read about customizing your WordPress site from scratch.

2. Determine your hosting needs

Understanding your website’s hosting requirements in terms of traffic, storage, performance, and scalability is crucial. This helps you to significantly narrow down your options and select the best WordPress hosting for your small business site.

For example, if you’re just starting and are not sure of your traffic expectations, choosing a scalable WordPress hosting service ensures you’re prepared for any sudden traffic surge. Also, if you lack the technical knowledge to manage your site hosting, it shows you’d do better with a managed WordPress hosting service.

3. Determine your budget

As a small business, budgeting is essential in everything you do. Therefore, before you even set out to choose a WordPress host for your website, determine the cost range and set your budget accordingly.

You may be tempted to go for the most affordable options. But you must prioritize value over price alone. Look for hosting plans that offer the features and support your business needs within your budget.

4. Check for relevant features

Now that you know the different WordPress hosting types available, examine their features to choose the one best suited to your needs.

Consider the essential factors mentioned above, such as performance and speed, security, customer support, scalability, etc.

The best WordPress hosting providers offer these features in their managed WordPress hosting plans and advanced hosting options.

5. Read reviews and testimonials

After examining the features, read reviews and testimonials from others who have experience with the hosting providers you’re considering.

Web hosting is not like a WordPress plugin you can add and remove anytime. It requires a lot to move your website from one host to another. So, you must pay attention to feedback on performance, reliability, support, and more before choosing a web host.

6. Take advantage of free trials and money-back guarantees

Many hosting providers offer free trials or money-back guarantees, allowing you to test their services risk-free before committing. For example, Bluehost and SiteGround offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, which offers you risk-free access to their services.

Take advantage of these offers to evaluate the hosting provider’s performance and suitability for your small business.

7. Select a hosting plan

Once you’ve evaluated the hosting options available, choose one that suits your business needs more. Ensure you choose a web host that scales as your website grows. This is essential for avoiding sudden downtime due to traffic surges, which can affect your ranking and sales conversion.

Recap checklist for finding the best WordPress hosting for your small business

Here’s a checklist you can use to find the best WordPress hosting for your small business:

  1. Hosting needs

2. Hosting type

3. Performance and uptime

4. Security features

5 . Scalability

6. Customer support

7. Pricing

8. Reviews and testimonials

Which is the Best WordPress Hosting for Your Small Business?

A fast and reliable WordPress hosting optimizes your website’s performance on search engines and gives your site visitors a smooth experience.

The hosting providers listed here, including Bluehost, SiteGround, DreamHost, Hostinger, Kinsta, HostGator, and WP Engine, offer amazing services to enable your WordPress site to achieve the needed business results.

However, the best WordPress hosting for your small business website will depend on important factors like pricing, customer support, user interface, and, of course, your inclinations.

Which hosting provider did you sign up for and why? Let me know in the comment section.

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Originally published at https://weignitegrowth.com.



Poulomi Basu

Vibrant brand & marketing strategist, helping people turn their idea or passion into a business. I help you to be #PowerfullyYOU.