17 Best Author Website Designs To Inspire You

Poulomi Basu
16 min readMay 18, 2024

If you’re a new author itching to build a website from scratch but feeling lost, I’ve got your back! Standing out in the online crowd can be tough, but an awesome author website can make you shine and show readers you’re worth their time.

That’s why in this article, I’ve curated a list of 17 best author websites examples to spark some inspiration and guide you along the way.

So let’s dive in!

17 Best Author Website Designs

1. Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon ‘s author website revolves around his blog, which he keeps updated by posting almost daily! As soon as you land on the homepage, you’re greeted with a striking black-and-white combo that grabs your attention.

Plus, his books are tastefully showcased in the sidebar, making it easy for visitors to explore further. He has also shared a bit about himself right there on the homepage, saving new visitors the hassle of hunting it down. What’s really smooth is how all the sections of his website are neatly laid out in the header, making navigation a breeze.

Key takeaways:

  • Opt for a classy color combo to elevate your design and convey a sophisticated vibe.
  • Ensure your layout is well-organized and intuitive, helping your visitors to easily browse your content.
  • Provide a dedicated section for newsletter sign-ups and make sure it’s quite visible to the reader. This will let you avoid intrusive pop-ups and allow users to subscribe at their convenience.

2. LJ Ross

LJ Ross’s website is a good example of the author’s website design as it uses dynamic and interactive elements on her website. On her website, visitors can easily explore more about her as an author, watch trailers for her latest books, and browse through her various series and standalone novels.

The website features engaging animations and hover effects, along with a convenient fly-out menu for mobile users. Its unique grid layout makes it easy to navigate through her book archive pages. Plus, you can even explore interactive walking tours based on her DCI Ryan series by clicking on the “Read, Write, Walk North East” logo.

Key takeaways:

  • Use engaging animated background images and hover animations to grab visitors’ attention.
  • Implement a convenient fly-out menu for optimal mobile browsing.
  • Enhance navigation on book archive pages with a standout grid layout for a unique browsing experience.

3. Mark Dawson

Mark Dawson ‘s author website is seriously impressive! The homepage immediately grabs your attention with its slick dark header and a big newsletter signup form right up front.

Navigation is a breeze thanks to the clear links and easy access to his social media profiles.

When you check out the “Books” section, it’s a unique experience. The titles are displayed so elegantly against a black background, and you can scroll through them horizontally for a really smooth browsing experience.

Key takeaways:

  • Make the homepage of your website look neat and cool.
  • Make it easy for people to find their way around and connect with you on social media.
  • Mix style and functionality to create a fantastic user experience.

4. Neon Yang

Neon Yang ‘s website immediately catches your eye with its vibrant neon green accents and bold typography. Despite this, it manages to maintain a clean and uncluttered appearance by balancing text and images effectively.

The website focuses on providing only the essential information, starting with an introduction to Neon Yang, followed by his nominations and press praise. Towards the bottom of the homepage, you can easily find ways to connect via email or social media.

Key takeaways:

  • Add cool colors and animations to keep people interested while they scroll.
  • Make sure your books and stories are easy to find and check out.
  • Give visitors lots of ways to talk to you to keep them interested.

5. Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay ‘s website stands out as one of the best author websites because it prioritizes showcasing her work. As soon as you land on the homepage, you’re greeted with her latest release, “The Selected Works of Audre Lorde,” right at the top. Below that, there’s a larger selection of her recent books, and a button encourages you to explore all of her work.

Only then do you come across an “About” section, which links to her bio page. This order is mirrored in the navigation menu, where “Books” comes first and “About” is last. Plus, the color scheme keeps things minimalist with a white and light pink background, reflecting the author’s interests and personality.

Key takeaways:

  • Make sure the design helps sell your work really well.
  • Use white space and cool colors to make everything look aesthetic.
  • Use engaging pictures to provide valuable information without overwhelming the visitor.

6. Ibram X. Kendi

Ibram X. Kendi is a famous author and his website is a centralized hub for all his accomplishments and works. Instead of having to navigate multiple platforms, visitors can easily access his books, essays, podcasts, and media appearances all in one place.

Upon landing on the homepage, you’re greeted with a sneak peek of his work across various industries. What sets his website apart is the inclusion of a section featuring famous quotes or lines from influential people or newspapers, which bolsters his image for new visitors.

Key takeaways:

  • Make your website a one-stop-shop for all your stuff.
  • Use grids to organize your books, essays, podcasts, and press info so people can find everything easily.
  • Include donation links on your website to support those in need.

7. Stephen King

Unlike other many other author websites, Stephen King ‘s website is surprisingly neat and organized, even though he writes scary stories! It’s updated regularly, and when you scroll down, you’ll see the latest news. The menu at the top is easy to use, and when you hover over each tab, it turns orange.

When you visit the website, you’ll see pictures of Stephen King’s newest books and stories. As you keep scrolling, there’s a section showing what’s new, like his latest books and movies. And if you want to get updates, there’s a place at the bottom where you can sign up for a newsletter.

Key takeaways:

  • Put a carousel slider on the homepage to show off your newest work.
  • Use colors that match the feel of your stories.

8. Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo’s website is a great example of authors who have written a lot of books. It has a carousel slider that shows off many of her books, like her newest one called “Ninth House,”a special edition of “Shadow and Bone,” the recent sequel “Rule of Wolves.”

And if you’re not sure where to start reading her books, there’s a special page that helps you figure out the order. There’s also a section about the “Grishaverse,” which is the fictional world she’s created.

Key takeaways:

  • Use a slideshow on the homepage to display your books and share more info about them.
  • Offer a newsletter signup option.
  • Create a news page with all the latest updates about your books, awards, and even TV shows based on your stories.

9. Helen Hoang

Helen Hoang’s website has one of the best author website designs because it shows how authors can highlight not just one, but several of their books. Positioned prominently above the fold, her trilogy immediately grabs your attention with its colorful cover art.

The website keeps things simple with a clear header and minimal footer, where you can find links to her social media and a newsletter sign-up form. A back-to-top button and floating social icons on the right side make it easy to navigate and connect with her online.

What sets her website apart is the emphasis on her three novels, followed by a brief “About” section inviting readers to explore her world.

Key takeaways:

  • Have a special page just for translations of all your books that people can buy.
  • Use colors that match the cover of your first bestseller throughout the website.

10. Ta-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates’s website is a great example of being user-friendly. As soon as you land on the site, you get a quick intro to the author and a clear promotion of his latest book, “The Water Dancer,” with colorful buttons that catch your eye.

There are dedicated sections for his books, speaking engagements, and events, making it easy for you to stay updated. You can also subscribe to a newsletter for the latest news.

Key takeaways:

  • Make the design simple so it’s easy to navigate.
  • Offer email sign-up options in various places on the site, such as a special section while scrolling or in the sidebar.

11. Miquel Reina

When you first visit Miquel Reina ‘s website, it might seem pretty basic. You see his logo on the left, some navigation links on the right, and what looks like a picture of his book, “Lights on the Sea,” in the middle.

But if you stick around, that central image changes to show different translations and covers of his novel. It’s a neat way for visitors to find the book in their preferred language.

Plus, the navigation bar at the top gives you access to all of his books, book club info, events, and the latest news for his fans.

Key takeaways:

  • Provide discussion guides, free excerpts, and the option to buy signed copies directly from the website.
  • Include an easy-to-use email sign-up form and social media icons to stay connected with readers.
  • Use an animated GIF to show off each translation and cover of your book.

12. Rupi Kaur

Rupi Kaur’s website is wonderfully interactive, guiding readers through various resources and pages with ease. When you first land on the page, you’re greeted by a hero image of Rupi holding her latest book, “Healing Through Words.”

As you scroll down, similar to Ibram’s website, Rupi’s site showcases her contributions to different aspects of art.

Further down the page, you’ll find a display of Rupi’s books, along with a link to her first-ever taped show on Amazon Prime. Towards the end of the page, there’s a section where her story is shared, giving visitors insight into her journey. Additionally, there’s a newsletter section where you can subscribe for updates anytime.

Key takeaways:

  • Use a special layout with text in different places and lots of space between to match your style of writing.
  • Have a shop where fans can buy stationery, art, and other cool stuff they’ll love.

13. Rick Riordan

If you’re eager to embark on an adventure with your favorite author, Rick Riordan, be sure to visit his website. Exploring Rick Riordan’s website feels like stepping into a thrilling journey, much like the adventures his characters often experience.

From the moment you click on the “Explore” button, you embark on a journey to discover the various series and books Riordan has written. Unlike many minimalist author websites, this one is filled with pictures of Rick’s characters, giving it a fantastical bookish vibe.

As you scroll down, you’ll notice a yellow-dotted line that transforms into a solid line of a different color. It’s a fun twist on the typical reading orders found on most author websites.

Key takeaways:

  • Make reading order interactive to make exploration of your books more interesting.
  • Use lots of images and drawings to give the website a cozy, book-like vibe.
  • Fill book pages with audio files, YouTube clips, reading guides, and other extras to make the reading experience even better.

14. Julie Orringer

Julie Orringer ‘s website is in this list of best author website designs because it’s really simple and easy to navigate. When you land on the homepage, you’ll spot a picture of her latest Netflix series, “TransAtlantic,” set to debut on April 7th, inspired by her acclaimed novel, “The Flight Portfolio.”

Just click on the navigation bar, and dive into details about her books. Clicking on any book takes you to a page where you can not only read about the book but also check out reviews from other readers.

Key takeaways:

  • Use a calm, light color scheme to create a pleasant atmosphere on your website.
  • Include reviews for each book to build the your credibility and help readers decide what to read.

15. Meg Medina

Medina’s website is full of color and fun, just like her books! She’s an amazing author who writes stories for young adults. When you go to her website, you’ll immediately see who she is and what she does.

You can learn more about Medina by clicking on the About tab at the top of the page. There’s a menu that lets you find out fun facts, read some FAQs, and even see a press kit. And here’s something neat: some parts of her website are also in Spanish! So, if you click the FAQs button, you can read the FAQs in Spanish too.

Key takeaways:

  • Keep the homepage simple, featuring only your info and links to her social media.
  • Use bright colors to make the website stand out and attract attention.

16. Joan Didion

Joan Didion’s website is one of the best author websites because it’s like a treasure trove of her incredible life and work. As someone who’s won many awards and even inspired a Netflix documentary, she doesn’t need to introduce herself much. That’s why her website showcases her amazing writing right from the start, just like Roxane Gay’s.

When you land on her homepage, you get a glimpse into her world and the topics she’s explored in her writing. There’s even a special section where you can read excerpts from her famous works. Plus, you can find details about a memorial service and watch a documentary about her life directed by her nephew.

A big part of her website is dedicated to her books, covering everything from biographies to memoirs. Each book has its own page with a cover, and clicking on it takes you to a place where you can learn more and even buy a copy.

But what’s really different from other website designs is the archive section, where you can explore old photos, files, and notes from her life. And if you find a photo you love, you can easily share it on social media.

Key takeaways:

  • Focus on showcasing your impressive collection of work above all else on the website.
  • Provide a special chance for readers to read excerpts from your writing.
  • Fill each book page with lots of details to help readers determine if it’s the perfect read.

17. Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl, the famous author known for books like Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, has a website that’s as fun and colorful as his stories. You’ll find sections dedicated to Dahl’s books and other exciting content when you explore the website.

There’s even a special area highlighting the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre.

What makes Dahl’s website special and among the best author website designs is its special tab just for teachers called “Teacher Resources.” Clicking on it takes you to a page full of free downloadable resources for teachers to use in the classroom.

Key takeaways:

  • Add a dedicated tab for a specific purpose, like supporting education, to enhance your website’s functionality.
  • Incorporate a vibrant color scheme to boost your website’s attractiveness, particularly for younger visitors drawn to lively colors.

Tips to design your author website

1. Secure a domain name that matches your name

When setting up your website, you’ll first need a domain name, like .com or .net, which people will use to access your site.

Now, many writers go with their book titles, series names, or even the names of their main characters, but it’s smarter to stick with your own name.

Think about it: your writing style and what you’re into can change. Right now, you might be focused on romance, but who knows where your interests will take you down the road?

However, one thing that will never change is your name. So, why not build your author platform around that? It’ll keep things consistent as your writing journey unfolds.

2. Select a suitable web host

Now that you’ve got your domain name, it’s time to sort out hosting for your website. If you’re unsure what web hosting is, consider your domain name your address-it tells people where to find you.

That’s where web hosting comes in. It’s like your website’s home, where all the files live-HTML, CSS, PDFs, you name it. Hosting companies store these files for a small fee and make them accessible online.

Like picking a book for your next read, choosing the perfect web host for your author’s website requires careful consideration. It’s not just about any old host; it must meet specific criteria to be the ideal fit. For instance:

Considering all these must-haves, I’ve narrowed it down to three top contenders for you: Hostinger, Siteground, and Bluehost.

  • Hostinger is your go-to if you’re looking for affordability, speed, and generous storage and website options.
  • If you’re after more advanced features and tools, Siteground’s worth considering, although it might dig deeper into your wallet.
  • And if you prefer a cheap hosting service, Bluehost’s got your back.

No matter which one you choose, these three are popular among big-name sites for a reason. They offer top-notch support and make setting up your website a breeze, so you’ll be up and running quickly.


3. Choose the right platform for your author’s website

If you don’t know how to code everything from scratch with HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript or have the budget to hire a developer, no worries!

There are loads of website platforms to help you create your author’s website. But, of course, you want one that gives you access to all the writer tools in one spot. That’s where WordPress shines!

Here’s why:

  • WordPress is the most widely used platform on the internet, meaning many people trust it.
  • A big community of users and developers is ready to help if you run into trouble.
  • You can make your website totally unique, even if you’re new to this whole website-building thing.
  • WordPress stays on top of things with regular updates, from small fixes to major improvements.
  • Google Analytics and other search engines love WordPress because it’s built with high-quality code and structured well for search visibility.

And the best part? Setting up your site with WordPress is a breeze with drag-and-drop WordPress page builders like Divi and Elementor. Just a few clicks, and you’re good to go!

4. Design and customize your author’s website

The next step is to design a branded website to match your preferences.

If you are using WordPress, you need a prebuilt theme and a WordPress page builder like Divi or Elementor.

You can also go for custom WordPress development, but be aware that it takes more time and money.

Related: WordPress vs custom-coded website

Best WordPress themes for author websites

Pick a default WordPress theme that matches your style or your work.

Look for features like a carousel slider on the homepage or sections to display your newest blog posts or excerpts.

Then, fill in the chosen template with your info: share details about your creative journey, professional background, writing methods, education, skills, and work. Feel free to tweak the design elements or change their appearance to make the template reflect your personality.

Here are some popular themes for book authors:

1. Divi

Known for its versatility and powerful drag-and-drop page builder, Divi offers hundreds of pre-built templates suitable for authors, including a specific author layout.

It’s mobile-responsive and allows for extensive customization without needing to write code​.

2. Typology

Focused on text over images, Typology is perfect for authors prioritizing typography and clean design. It offers unlimited fonts and colors, customized sizes, and several layout options​.

3. Odrin

With a sleek design and features like a Coming Soon Book Timer, Odrin is great for authors wanting to create urgency for upcoming book releases. It supports WooCommerce for selling books and offers a book preview function.

4. Johannes

Johannes is a contemporary theme that provides a modern platform for authors’ portfolios. It supports Gutenberg and Elementor page builders and includes options for monetization through banner ads.

5. Novela

Novela offers a minimalist design ideal for showcasing literary work in a visually appealing manner. It emphasizes readability and elegant typography, featuring page-flipping animation for book previews.

Each theme has unique features that cater to an author’s online presence, from showcasing a portfolio to selling books directly. The choice of theme would largely depend on the specific needs and goals of the author’s website.

Author website design conclusion

Get some initial inspiration from some of the best author websites, which I’ve listed above, but choosing the best one depends on what kind of stories you’re into. For example, if you love spooky stories, you might be inspired by Stephen King’s website.

And if you’re into children’s books, Roald Dahl’s website design might catch your eye. So, the best website design really depends on your brand identity and what you specialize in.

That’s why I want to ask you, based on your niche, which website design inspired you the most? Tell me in the comments!

Here are some more website design examples you may like:

Originally published at https://weignitegrowth.com.



Poulomi Basu

Vibrant brand & marketing strategist, helping people turn their idea or passion into a business. I help you to be #PowerfullyYOU.